Tuesday, September 28, 2010

blog day afternoon

meet up mastermind, Bella of the Citizen Rosebud

Kara and Bella set out swag bags, which coordinate preciscely with Bella's dress
and more bloggers!  (woo woo, bicycling is great for legs, and Lorena of Sac Cycle Chic on the right is proof)

Kerry of Farms Fashion and Freedom brought some treats from Magpie Catering to share

treats were eaten and drunken (drank? hehe, thanks to Jen of Wade and Assoc, if I remember correctly?), and info exchanged in the little customized notebooks Bella put in the swag bags

a little while back Crimson & Clover regular and blogger extraordinaire Bella of the Citizen Rosebud contacted us about participating in a meet up of local fashion bloggers.  we liked the idea so much that we offered to host the meeting at the shop.  so last Saturday we gathered on our patio to hang out. we want to thank Bella for organizing the event as well all the lovely ladies who attended.  it was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with you.  many of the gals who attended have reflected on our afternoon together (and have WAY better photos than we) on their blogs, so do check 'em out:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

a mariner's tale

now in store:
(left to right) vintage sailboat pin, flaming hag folkwear charm necklace, porkchop rules scrimshaw ring
atop vintage samsonite train case
bon voyage!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


WE are proud to sponsor Stitch Swap this Saturday. There will be a 10 dollar gift certificate from our store as one of their door prizes. This is going to be a fun! So come bring some of your clothes and swap.

FRI SEPT.24 6-7pm
$20 dollar donation that helps kids go to Karate Camp

 You will learn some of the skills of  Moore's Shou Shu Karate.
I have been involved with Shou Shu for about 4 years now. I have gained more confidence, I am more aware of my surroundings. LADIES....I know and see you walking around midtown alone, YOU NEED TO PROTECT YOURSELF! Just one class can help you be more aware.

For Questions  or to sign up call
Moore's Shou Shu Karate @ 916-455-9922
Shun Shifu Tan @ 916-613-6994
our store 916-442-1800

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

trees don't lie...

...autumn is approaching.  fresh jackets, coats, sweaters, and more arriving daily.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

plates and suitcases

Nicole has brought in some very nice vintage suitcases. They are great for traveling in style or for home decor

We adore Holly Hobbie. They are in the back in our housewares area

70's yellow, brown, green tones. Mushrooms and stoneware.

New Jewelry by Flaming Hag

The purse necklace has already been spoken for.
Just a reminder we will be open this Sunday for the Labor day weekend.
Thanks clover heads for all your support.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

[shop] it up this saturday and sunday

Chalk It Up takes place this weekend at Fremont park (right across the street from the shop).  Enjoy live chalk mural installations and live music.  More details here.  Crimson & Clover will be open Saturday 11-7 as usual, as well as this Sunday, September 5, from 11-5.