Tuesday, June 29, 2010

red, white, and blues (and a bazaar round-up)

there are so many ways to do red white and blue in the shop right now.  the outfits above are just the tip of the iceberg.....

photos from the bespoked/be quiet fashion bazaar at the hub collective.  many thanks to citizen rosebud (whose creations can be seen in the fourth bazaar pic) for being the brains behind the event and to amber of violet folklore (seen in the fifth bazaar pic with her beatific daughter) for thinking to invite us to be a part of the day. (p.s.  kara, you look cute in the photos, so please don't be mad at me for putting them up :) ....)

hope everyone has a safe and happy july fourth!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! It was quite a good time, and I'm really glad C&C was a part of it!

    PS: your red, white and blue outfits are delicious! Well, pretty much your shop is delicious, and I'm looking forward to my next visit. xo. -Bella Q

